Carlos Slim Helú summarizes what he considers to be the Group’s business principles in 10 points, which have been communicated to his relatives, colleagues, employees and work force.
- Have always simple organizational structures, minimal hierarchical levels; provide human and in-house development of the executives; maintain flexibility and fast decision-making capability; work with the advantages of a small company.
- Maintaining austerity in good times strengthens, profits and accelerates the development of the company and averts the bitterly drastic adjustments in times of crisis.
- Stay focused on modernization, growth, training, quality, simplification and the continuous improvement of production processes. Increase productivity and competitiveness, reduce costs and expenses by using global benchmarks.
- Companies should never be limited by the size of the owner or manager. Do not feel big in our small corral. Minimize investment in non-productive assets.
- There is no challenge that we cannot overcome by working united, and with clear vision in the goals and knowing the tools.
- Money that leaves the company evaporates; this is why we reinvest profits.
- Corporate creativity is not only applicable to business, but also to solving many of society's problems. This is what we do through the Group's Foundations.
- Firm and patient optimism always yields its rewards.
- All times are good times for those who know how to work and have the means to do so.
- Our premise is and has always been that we leave with nothing; that we can only do things while we are alive and that businessmen are creators of the wealth they temporarily manage.
Carlos Slim took some of these points from business lessons from his father, Julián Slim Haddad, who brought his son to work at a very young age and noted his unique interest in commerce.
Carlos Slim, in a letter to the university community, gives advise to the most outstanding students on what, in his opinión, are the most important things in life.
Mexico City, June 1994
I write to you this letter in order to share some of my life experiences, hoping it will contribute to your education, your way of thinking and living, your emotional well-being, your sense of responsibility to yourselves and to others, your maturity, and above all, to your happiness, which should be the result of your daily existence.
You are privileged within society due to your talents and efforts, and for the best reason, your own worth. Continue...

We all want a country with security, education, employment, health and economic growth.This is the time to join wills … In Mexico we agree.
The Chapultepec Agreement, whose full name is the National Agreement for Unity, Rule of Law, Development, Investment and Employment, is a document signed by many segments of Mexican society, including politicians, athletes, academics, farmers, businessmen, students, intellectuals, media, professionals, artists and other members of civil society, all of whom have accepted joint responsibility for the growth of the country, respectful of the State’s constitutional role, to coordinate and lead the effort of all Mexicans in the growth and development of Mexico; more than 1,200,000 individuals interested in the welfare and development of the country have endorsed this agreement.
The Chapultepec Agreement has the following objectives:
- Rule of Law and Public Security.
Consolidate the rule of law in a democratic regime that guarantees freedom, human and social rights, physical and legal security.
- Development with Justice: Economic and Employment Growth.
Achieve accelerated, sustained and sustainable growth with employment and with redistribution policies.
- Train and Develop Human and Social Capital.
Provide More and better health and education.
- Development of Physical Capital.
Accelerate construction of infrastructure and housing.
- Public Administration Reform.
Make government more efficient and transparent in the service of its citizens.

- Carlos Slim Helú delivered a press conference where he addressed, among other topics, the business history of Grupo Carso and Telmex privatización, later enrichening it with a thorough Q&A session.
Mexico City, February 12, 2024.
- Conference by Eng. Carlos Slim Helú in the Telmex Foundation Event: “Mexico 21st Century”.
National Auditorium, Mexico City, September 2, 2022.
- Mr. Carlos Slim Helú participated in the Forum “Infrastructure, Lever for National Development,” in the framework of the 30th Civil Engineering Congress of the Civil Engineers College of Mexico, C. A.
November 27, 2019. Mexico City.
- Mr. Carlos Slim delivered the keynote speech, “The Historic Center. A personal Vision”, framed by the Historic Centers Symposium of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarios) (AMPI).
May 23, 2019. Mexico City.
- Mr. Carlos Slim took part in the 25th Plenary Meeting of the Montevideo Circle Foundation, with the speech, “Technology and the New Civilization”. The core objective of these annual meetings is facing the new times the world is living, from the Latin American perspective.
May 16 and 17, 2019. Mexico City.
- Mr. Carlos Slim took part in the 16thEdition of the Mexico Business Summit, delivering a conference with the title 'Certainty or Uncertainty?'
21 to 23 October, 2018. Guadalajara, Jalisco.
- FCC holds its 2018 Investor Day in the company of Carlos Slim and the Group's management team.
July 31, 2018. Madrid, Spain.
- “Mr. Carlos Slim Helú took part in the 15th Edition of the Mexico Business Summit, which in 2017 addressed the topic: Defining Mexico's options.
October 22-24, San Luis Potosí, SLP
- “We are stronger together": Carlos Slim Helú
January 27, 2017. Press Conference. Mexico City.
- Mr. Carlos Slim Helu was the keynote speaker in the first Women’s Forum Mexico 2016.
April 27-28, 2016. Ciudad de México.
- Key note address by Mr. Carlos Slim Helu, during the 12th edition of the Mexico Business Summit, October 26, 2014.
26-28 October 2014, Mexico Business Summit, Queretaro, Mexico.
- Mr. Carlos Slim delivered a keynote address to the 26th Civil Engineering National Congress.
Mexico City, November 16, 2011
- Mr. Carlos Slim imparted the keynote address Challenges and Leadership in the First International Congress of Miraflores College former students
February 12, 2011, Mexico City
- Carlos Slim participated as a special guest in the World Mayors Summit on Climate at the Palace of the School of Medicine in Mexico City. At the Summit, mayors from around the world signed the Global Cities Covenant on Climate or “Mexico City Pact”.
November 21st 2010
- Mr. Carlos Slim keynote address in Business Summit Mexico, 2010 (October 24-26, Toluca, State of Mexico). This 8th edition was titled “Take-off Time: Actions for Change”.
Toluca, State of Mexico, October 24, 2010.
- With a lecture about "Philanthropy in Mexico" Mr. Carlos Slim Helú participated in the 1st Conference Innovating Tijuana 2010.
October 19, 2010, Tijuana, BC.
- Mr. Carlos Slim met distinguished UNAM students, teachers and researchers to talk about diverse Mexico's problems, Mexico's insertion in the current world, its institutions, UNAM and the world as well.
México City, June 21, 2010.
- Mr. Carlos Slim Helú’s speech. Forum: Mexico Business Summit, Monterrey, Mexico.
November 8-10, 2009.
- Society and Technology Seminar Organized by the UNAM, Conference by Mr. Carlos Slim Helú, Mexico City
February 17th, 2009
- Forum: “Mexico in front of the crisis”. Third session. What to do in order to grow? Conference by Mr. Carlos Slim.
México City, February 9th, 2009
- Conference given by Mr. Carlos Slim in the Building Bridges Meeting, Punta del Este, Uruguay
October 26, 2007.
In this conference about the vision of businessmen, the Eng. Carlos Slim offer some ideas that can define the present and give us some signs for the future; and also, maybe, in order to understand the deep crises we have been through in the 20th century, and those we will attend in the 21st. Continue...
- Conference given by Mr. Carlos Slim Helú at the Universidad Anáhuac
November 29, 2005
These are the words given by Mr. Carlos Slim Helú in a conference at the Universidad Anáhuac, in which he summarized the evolution of Mexico's economy and spoke about the fight against poverty, unemployment, how to create sources of employment, and the importance of supporting health and education in Mexico—all of which have resulted in the country's low economic growth. The speech also includes the solutions he proposes for each of these problems. Continue...
- A speech given by Carlos Slim Helú: The technological Big Bang
November 20, 2004
In this presentation, Mr. Slim describes his own personal view on the transformation of society throughout time, that is, from being agricultural and rural society it became an industrial and urban society that is now changing due to the so called information technology revolution. . Continue...
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