“Mexican Jaguar in XXI century: Conservation National Strategy” VII symposium concluded.
Cuernavaca, Morelos, December 1st 2011.

The Mexican Jaguar in XXI century VII symposium concluded today. That far-reaching event gathers Mexican and foreign experts as well as federal officials responsible for wildlife and environment conservation. Its first edition was carried out in 2005. The main theme in 2011 was Conservation National Strategy.

Alliances between Carlos Slim Foundation, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and public and private Mexican institutions have decisively contributed to Jaguar conservation.

According to the symposium conclusions, the Jaguar’s Conservation National Strategy is aimed to stop and turn back growing menaces, mainly habitat destruction and illegal hunting for 4,000 recorded members. It includes actions to avoid building additional highways in jaguar’s protected areas and just allowing those being built according to the highest standards for fauna and biodiversity conservation.

Experts did propose to create additional protected areas, biological corridors and critical zones (habitat) for jaguar conservation, to improve cattle management in order to avoid jaguar-cattle priority conflicts, and to stop forest destruction by means of public programs in support of forest human communities.

They also put forward a nation-wide educational program for preserving jaguar’s critical areas and to implement an incentive program for conservation services by communities.

The symposium gathered both federal officials and experts from Environment and Natural Resources, Communication and Transport, Agriculture, Cattle, Rural Development, Fishing and Food, and Tourism departments, besides representatives from Protected Natural Areas National Commission, Forestry National Commission, Environment Protection Attorney’s Office, and non-governmental organizations and universities as well.

The big and complex challenge for saving Mexico’s wild jaguar demands a big-scale sustained effort. Private, civil society and public concerted actions are needed. Technology and sound scientific knowledge for fulfilling such a task are currently available.
The Jaguar’s Conservation National Strategy is also aimed to reintroduce the species in Peninsula of Yucatan.

Besides that strategy, seventeen menaced species are currently monitored: monarch butterfly, two turtle, two shark, one bird, six marine mammal, and five terrestrial mammal species. Through public-private arrangements, 235,000 protected-area hectare, about 500,000 priority ecosystem hectare, more than 1,750 reforested hectare, and 97% illegal devastation diminishing of Monarch Butterfly Reserve Area have been accomplished, among the greatest achievements.

It is noteworthy that Carlos Slim Foundation supports school environment education and it offers support and training programs for cooperative societies being committed to environment protection, job creation and sustainable community enterprises.            


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