"Carlos Slim is one of the worlds most important philanthropists and most people have never heard about his humanitarian activities. He owns stock in more than 200 companies that employ more than 200,000 people in Latin America and beyond. He has used his resources to help develop the communities where his businesses are located. In his own country, Mexico, he has personally supported more than 165,000 young people in attending university, paid for numerous surgeries, provided equipment for rural schools and covered surety bonds for 50,000 people who were entitled to their freedom but could not afford. He recently created the Carso Institute for Health, and designed it to provide a new approach to health care in Mexico. He has four billion dollars of investments ready to promote education, health and other great challenges, and has recently announced an additional six billion dollar investment in several programs, including his Telmex Foundation."
Bill Clinton
Former President of the United States

Social responsibility is a fundamental part of Carlos Slim Helú business strategy and culture, which is focused on maximizing the positive impact of his companies to benefit the communities where they operate, and contributing to the fight against poverty with nutrition, education and employment through aid programs from various foundations and institutes.


The Carlos Slim Foundation is dedicated to the integral training of people of all ages throughout Mexico and Latin America, and aims to strengthen their skills and abilities to allow them to actively participate in economic and social development and achieve more opportunities and a better quality of life.

To meet this objective, the Carlos Slim Foundation works with academic institutions, governments and non-governmental organizations to create programs in the areas of education, employment, health, economic and social development, migrants, road safety, justice, sports, environment, culture, human development, and disaster relief, in order to help as many people as possible, placing special focus on the most vulnerable groups of the population.

Since its creation in 1986, the social programs of the Carlos Slim Foundation have benefited millions of people of all ages by increasing their quality of life, improving their skills and abilities, and helping them achieve more and better opportunities.

Fundación Carlos Slim works on these areas:

Carlos Slim's events as President of the Carlos Slim Foundation




Fundación Telmex, formerly Asociación Carso, A.C., is a non-lucrative philanthropic organization established in 1996 whose objective is to support ongoing programs in education, health, culture, justice and the social well-being of Mexico, which Asociación Carso has promoted since 1986 with the aim of effectively contributing to the eradication of extreme poverty and improving the quality of life of the Mexican population. Fundación Telmex has an endowment of more than US$1.5 billion.

To achieve the above, the organization has implemented the following programs related to teaching, sports, health, arts and culture in general, helping the most vulnerable groups in our country to grow and develop.

The key accomplishments of this organization are as follows:


Summary of Results, 1996 - 2024

Programs 1996 - 2024
Scholarships 752,864
“Ayúdame a Llegar” (donation of bicycles) * 488,119
“Ver Bien para Aprender Mejor” (donation of prescription glasses) 127,750
Surgeries in the field 1,067,016
Donation of 1-kg bags of nutritious snacks 17,361,152
Donation of wheelchairs 175,491
Computers 4,285
Donation of hearing aids 48,936
Best Buddies Program 31,639 participants
Financing of social bails 112,300
Tons of humanitarian aid 29,379
Water potabilization plants 231
Treated drinking water 27,480,904 liters
From the Street to the Field with Telmex 299,713 players
Telmex Soccer Cup 4’817,970 players
Telmex Ring 93 scholarships
25 championships
35 former champions
Telmex-Telcel Basketball League 566,908 players
Telmex-Telcel Baseball League 84,489 players
Telmex- Telcel Tae Kwon Do League 6,236 participants
Telmex-Telcel Athletic Promises 1,638 children and teens
* In partnership with state governments and other institutions.


In December 2005, Fundación Telmex was recognized as Foundation of the Year for its philanthropic work by the Mexico City chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

On November 22, 2006, Arturo Elías Ayub, Executive Director of Fundación Telmex, received the José Vasconcelos Award from Dr. Reyes Tamez Guerra, Secretary of Public Education at the time; the award is granted by that government office to institutions committed to education in Mexico.

On November the 20, 2007, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, President of Mexico, granted Fundación Telmex with the 2007 Sports National Award, for its support and commitment to the sports in Mexico, as well as with the professional and non professional sports men and women, the sports people with special abilities and the ones that practice sports to improve its health and recreate its lives.

Last October 2007, Telmex Soccer Cup  (Amateur Football) obtained a Guinness Record as the non professional tournament with the largest number of competitors around the world, as it reunited 148 thousand 714 players in 8 thousand 600 teams throughout the Mexican territory.

In 2008, for second consecutive year Fundación TELMEX was granted with two awards: the Sports National Award, for its commitment with the sports in Mexico and the Guiness Record for Copa TELMEX, as the biggest amateur tournament around the world.

In 2015, Telmex Soccer Cup obtained for the 9th consecutive year the Guinness Record as the biggest Amateur Soccer Tournament in the World with the participation of 267,581 players in 15,757 teams.


Mexico Siglo XXI - Fundación Telmex Telcel

As a part of the integral support received by scholarship holders from the Telmex Foundation, since year 2002 the great event, “México Siglo XXI”, has been held on an annual basis. This is a watershed in the activities organized by the Foundation, not only because of its dimensions, but also because of the prestige and quality of guest speakers.

This meeting is held at the National Auditorium, and gathers 10,000 scholarship holders from our Foundation, coming from different part of the country, and belonging to public and private universities. During one day, they have an opportunity to attend conferences delivered by recognized international personalities, in the political, economic, technological, sports and entertainment fields, who interact with young students and share their experience and knowledge.



Mexico's City Historic Center Foundation is a Carlos Slim's Foundation non-profit association. It was instituted in year 2002 by the economic support of TELMEX Foundation. Since its onset, Mexico's City Historic Center Foundation has worked to improve Historic Center's dwellers living conditions, being supported by Historic Center Real State, TELMEX Foundation, and Carlos Slim Foundation. These actions have created many jobs and improved public space by tightening security, improving health-care services, and encouraging sound cultural activities. The foundation currently advances the following programs: economic, community and social development, and cultural activities. Continue...


For the 18th consecutive year, TELMEX is recognized as a Socially Responsible Corporation, by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI).

In 2019, and for the eighteenth consecutive year, TELMEX has been awarded the ESR Label (Socially Responsible Corporation for its Spanish acronym) by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI). The award recognizes TELMEX daily compliance of the strategic lines evaluated by CEMEFI: Ethics and Corporate Governance, Corporate Quality of Life, Relations and Commitment with Community Development, as well as Environmental Protection.

Being a socially responsible corporation has always been part of the organizational culture of TELMEX and it is the result of the corporate values under which the company operates: Work, Growth, Commitment, Social Responsibility and Austerity.

TELMEX is committed to continue connecting Mexico with the best technological platform, offering its clients the best products and services, fostering innovation in the telecommunications industry as well as in information technologies and communications, thus benefiting a growing number of Mexican nationals.



Twenty-five years ago, the Museo Soumaya Fundación Carlos Slim opened its doors in the cultural and commercial mall Plaza Loreto. On year 2011, another venue was inaugurated within an urban reconversion project and engineering challenge in Plaza Carso.

The vocation of this non-profit institution is collecting, researching, preserving and disseminating the artistic and historic legacy mainly from Mexico and Europe, to share it with the most diverse publics.

Here, people can have an encounter with arts that cannot be easily experienced in our country. Its main objective is fostering knowledge and aesthetic enjoyment through permanent and temporary exhibitions, as well as other travelling across Mexico and Latin America; monthly catalogs and publications; ludic spaces focused on reflection and creation; conferences; and interactive programs supported by new technologies such as RA Infinitum, virtual and augmented reality.

The Soumaya Museum in Plaza Loreto, South Mexico City, was built on an old paper mill, and has different exhibitions gathered in the collection of the Galas de México factory, with scenes living in the national imagination.

On December 2018, another cultural axis of the project was completed in the historical Colonia Roma, with the addition of the Guillermo Tovar de Teresa House Museum.

Important events:



Founded by Condumex on 1965, the Center has the objective of crystalizing social and cultural interests of the Company founders and leaders, to acquire, preserve, classify and disseminate books and articles related to the History of Mexico. The collection has over 81,000 books and 95 documentary funds, and is located in Number 1 of the Plaza Federico Gamboa, in the old neighborhood of Chimalistac, in Mexico City.

Daily activities in the Center include conferences delivered by experts on many topics, book presentations, academic discussion sessions, congresses, seminars, and round tables. The editorial work has been developed through its facsimile publications, making some of the rarest books guarded in its library accessible to the public.

Technology tools are being fully exploited. Thanks to it, the archival documents and the viceroyalty library can be consulted free of charge, over the internet, from any part of the world. The Center services include access to its bibliographic assets and attention to all publics, at Plaza Federico Gamboa 1, Chimalistac, Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City.


In an effort to do something for Mexico, the Asociación de Superación por México (Association for the Improvement of Mexico) was born in 1980. Thus, the ASUME, human development program began. It is based on three issues:

  1. Constant improvement. There are no limits or excuses to trying to be a little bit better today than yesterday.
  2. Competition. You should compete with yourself and not with others because if I compare myself to others, either I get a complex or I do not improve.
  3. Balanced improvement: in each one of the following eight areas (physical, economic, aesthetic, intellectual, emotional, social, moral and spiritual), and set goals for each one.

Our goal: Be better yourself so that you can improve your environment.
Goal: Change society by changing man.

Through on-going improvement ASUME A.C., founded on the identification and acting with values, tries to educate men and women of peace, who are responsible, happy and committed with themselves and their families, their work and Mexico.


With an initial endowment of US$4 billion, Fundación Carlos Slim is extending its work to Latin America through projects that have succeeded to benefit thousands of people in Mexico.

Mesoamerica Health Link to Report 2018-2019 PDF

The Mesoamerica Health Initiative is a public-private alliance among the Carlos Slim Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Canada Government, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and governments of eight Mesoamerican countries. Their objective is reducing morbidity and mortality in women of childbearing age and children under five, in areas of extreme poverty.

The Clinton Giustra Slim Enterprise Partnership Link to Report 2018-2019 PDF

This initiative is a social investment fund for productive projects in marginalized areas of Colombia, El Salvador, Haiti and Peru, to create economic development alternatives for the benefit of poor people. Through a social enterprise model, small producers obtain better prices for their products by eliminating intermediaries, receiving technical advice and linking up with the market. They are also working with a retail model to create income opportunities for women entrepreneurs. Finally, the initiative has been completed with a job training model aimed at young people in a precarious situation, with links for them to obtain formal jobs.

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