1940 |
Carlos Slim is born on January 28, in Mexico City. |
1961 |
He completes his professional studies in civil engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (known by its Spanish acronym UNAM), where he also taught Algebra and Linear Programming; he taught the latter while still studying, meaning he was simultaneously a student and professor. |
1965 |
He incorporates Inversora Bursátil and becomes its chairman of the Board of Directors. By acquiring Jarritos del Sur and incorporating Inmobiliaria Carso, he begins to establish the basis of what later becomes Grupo Carso, whose name combines the first syllables of Carlos and Soumaya. |
1966 |
At the end of this year he marries Soumaya Domit Gemayel. |
1967 |
He founds and heads Promotora del Hogar, S.A., a residential real estate company, and GM Maquinaria, which buys, sells and rents construction equipment. |
1968 |
Acquires and manages Mina el Volcán SSG Inmobiliaria, S.A. |
1969 |
Three new companies start operations: Bienes Raíces Mexicanos, S.A., Nacional de Arrendamientos, and Invest Mentor Mexicana. |
1972 |
Pedregales del Sur, S.A. starts operations. |
1976 |
Acquires 60% of Galas de México, a printer of labels and calendars, and significantly improves its operations. |
1980 |
Grupo Galas, today Grupo Carso, is formed, whose principal activities at the time were industry, construction, mining, retail, food and tobacco. |
1982 |
During the 1982 economic crisis, with the country’s finances almost paralyzed, Carlos Slim continued to invest in companies such as Reynolds Aluminio, Sanborns, General Tire, among others, until 1984. |
1984 |
Acquires Bimex, S.A., Hulera El Centenario Firestone, 40% of British American Tobacco, and 33% of Anderson Clayton. Also buys Seguros de México, today Seguros Inbursa, and creates Grupo Financiero Inbursa by integrating Seguros de México, Fianzas La Guardiana and Casa de Bolsa Inbursa. |
1985 |
Joining the Group are Sanborns, Dennys, Fábricas de Papel Loreto y Peña Pobre, Pamosa, 50% of Hershey's and Artes Gráficas Unidas. |
1986 |
Acquires Empresas Nacobre, Minera Frisco and Química Fluor, and increases the Euzkadi stake. Fundación Carlos Slim Helú, A.C. is created, a non-profit philanthropic organization whose objective is to serve Mexican society by contributing to the development and training of human capital through ongoing high-impact and wide-ranging programs. |
1990 |
Grupo Carso goes public with an Initial Public Offering, which is followed by mergers of the Group’s companies and international IPOs. At year-end, the company wins the bid to acquire Telmex jointly with Southwestern Bell and France Telecom, after which Carso Global Telecom, the holding company for Telmex, is created. The brand Telcel is also created, from Radiomóvil Dipsa, S.A. de C.V. |
1991 |
Acquires Hoteles Calinda (today, OSTAR Grupo Hotelero). |
1992 |
Acquires Condumex. |
1993 |
Acquires the majority interest in General Tire and Grupo Aluminio. |
1994 |
Museo Soumaya is established this year with holdings that include more than 64,000 works of art; in addition, the non-profit museum conducts research, conservation and promotion of Mexican and European art through permanent, temporary and traveling exhibitions. |
1995 |
Fundación Telmex is established, one of the most important philanthropic organizations in Latin America, whose vision is to contribute to Mexico through education, health, nutrition, justice, culture, personal development, environmental conservation, sports and disaster relief, generating opportunities that foster the comprehensive development of Mexicans for the betterment of the country. |
1996 |
Grupo Carso is split into three companies: Carso Global Telecom, Grupo Carso and Invercorporación. |
1997 |
Buys Sears Roebuck. In telecommunications, Telmex USA starts to operate. |
1999 |
Buys Pastelería Francesa El Globo. Also acquires an interest in Tracfone, a cellular company in the United States. Carso Infraestructura y Construcción, S. A. (CICSA) is created, a Mexican construction and engineering company and part of Grupo Carso’s infrastructure and construction division. Soumaya Domit de Slim passes away, leaving an invaluable legacy; she always worked for the personal development of Mexicans, with several projects that are still active. These include the Asociación de Superación por México, A.C., the creation of a legal framework for organ donation, and writing a series of handbooks entitled “True Joy is Sadness Overcome”, among many others. |
2000 |
América Telecom, the holding company for América Móvil, is established and acquires an equity stake in the cellular telephone companies ATL and Telecom Americas, in Brazil; Telgua in Guatemala; Conecel in Ecuador; and Techtel in Argentina. Fundación del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México is created, with the aim of rescuing and revitalizing Mexico City’s historic downtown area. The chairman of the board of directors of Telmex, Carlos Slim, and the chief executive of Microsoft, Bill Gates, announce the launch of their Spanish portal T1msn (today ProdigyMSN). This strategic alliance would soon become the leading portal in Mexico. |
2001 |
Continues to acquire shares of cellular telephone companies in Brazil, including Tess, Telet, Americel and a larger stake in ATL. |
2002 |
US Commercial begins operations in the United States. Acquires majority share of Comcel in Colombia; of Techtel in Argentina; and increases its equity stake in cellular telephone companies in Brazil. |
2003 |
Continues the expansion of América Móvil’s operations with the acquisition of shares of Celcaribe, which operates in Colombia; BSE and BCP in Brazil; CTE in El Salvador; and CTI in Argentina. |
2004 |
América Móvil’s position in Latin America expands with Entel of Nicaragua; Megatel in Honduras; and most of the stock of CTE in El Salvador. Buys AT&T Latin America with operations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru, and creates Telmex Latinoamérica. Subsequently the company acquires Chilesat, Techtel, Metrored and Embratel. |
2005 |
The Chapultepec Agreement is signed, whose full name is the National Agreement for Unity, Rule of Law, Development, Investment and Employment. This document was an invitation to assume shared responsibility for the progress of the country, which was signed by more than 1,200,000 Mexicans interested in the well-being of the country.
Impulsora del Desarrollo y el Empleo en América Latina, (IDEAL) was formed to promote the development of these issues and to combat backwardness by training and developing human and physical capital through sustainable, non-profit investments.
Mr. Carlos Slim Helu was awarded with the Galardon del Salon del Empresario granted by Impulsa and Grupo Editorial Expansión. Participation in South American telecommunications companies is strengthened with the acquisition of the most important telecom in Brazil: Embratel. The company also diversifies with the airline Volaris and operations in mining and real estate, among others.
2007 |
Fundación Carlos Slim Helú, A.C. will pursue its supporting program with an initial asset of 4 billion dollars, and will create three Carso Institutes: Health, Sports and Education. This Foundation has already donated 100 million dollars, added to the 100 million dollars provided by the Canadian businessman, Frank Guistra, will support Bill Clinton’s initiative, as well as his foundation in order to fight the poorness in Latin America.
Grupo Carso sold a 30% of its 50.1% of the tobacco industry, Cigatam, to its partner ALTRIA GROUP, (also known as Philip Morris) in 1,100 million dollars. Likewise, it sold its subsidiary of layers and tiles, Porcelanite, to Grupo Lamosa for 800 million dollars.
On November the 20th, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, President of Mexico, granted Fundacion Telmex with the Sports National Award, for its commitment with the sports in Mexico. Also Copa Telmex received the Guiness Record for being the amateur tournament with the most number of competitors around the world.
Fundación Telmex, along with Fundación Carlos Slim Helú, A.C. created the Instituto Telmex del Deporte (Sports’ Telmex Institute ) that will support sports men and women with more than 250 million dollars for the purpose of the Olympic Games and will create the necessary conditions to equip public schools in Mexico in order to promote and practice sports.
Grupo Sanborn´s acquired the license of the retailers chain Saks Incorporated and on November 28th the famous store Saks Fifht Avenue opened in Santa Fe, a Shopping Center in Mexico City.
The Assembly of Shareholders of TELMEX approved the initiative of cleavage of its operations in Latin America, as well as the business of Seccion Amarilla (Yellow Pages) to form a new company called TELMEX International
2008 |
Carlos Slim Helu reaffirms its commitment to cooperate with the cause of ALAS, with a donation of $110 million to support programs for children. |
On June 10th, 2008 began the listing of TELMEX International Exchanges in New York, Madrid and Mexico .
Vivian Fernández de Torrijos, First Lady of Panama, and Carlos Slim Helú, signed in June 23, an agreement to apply maternal and infant health programs in that country, through the Carlos Slim Institute of Health.
Carlos Slim Foundation and TELMEX announced the donation of 100,000 computers to more than 1,400 public schools in Mexico.
In August, President William Clinton, Carlos Slim Announce New Investment Projects in Mexico, Colombia, and Peru for more than $50 Million dollars.
Performs a financial investment acquiring equity partnerships of 6.4% in The New York Times Company.
On September, Grameen Trust and Fundacion Carlos Slim announced an Alliance to create Grameen-Carso, which will afford with micro credits to the neediest in Mexico with an initial asset of about 45 million dollars.
In October, Grupo Financiero Inbursa (GFI) formalizes its strategic alliance with La Caixa de Barcelona through the subsidiary Criteria Caixa Corp., increasing its wealth from 41 billion to 54 billion pesos, allowing them to continue contributing the financing for the development of the country, as well as accelerate their growth in banking for families. With this increase La Caixa participates with 20% of the equity of GFI.
In November, the Embassy of Lebanon in Mexico awarded The National Order of the Cedar in Grade of Grand Officer to Carlos Slim for his philanthropic labor.
For second consecutive year Fundación TELMEX was granted with two awards: the Sports National Award, for its commitment with the sports in Mexico and the Guiness Record for Copa TELMEX, as the biggest amateur tournament around the world.
On November 30, Eng. Carlos Slim, along with Alex Rodriguez, baseball player of the New York Yankees, visited the new “Sports Center Ciudad Jardin TELMEX Bicentenario”, the biggest sports center in Mexico located in the old waste dump of the Bordo de Xochiaca, in Nezahualcóyotl.
Eng. Carlos Slim Helu was nominated member of the Executive Board of RAND Corporation (Research and Development), a nonprofit research organization in the United States, which offers assessment and solutions about commerce and politics, among other aspects, throughout the world.
2009 |
On January it signed the agreement Acuerdo Nacional a favor de la Economía Familiar y el Empleo convoked by the Mexican president Felipe Calderon.
On February 9th he participated in the Forum of analysis, proposals and agreements México ante la Crisis: ¿Qué hacer para crecer? (Mexico facing the Crisis. What to do to grow?), organized from January 27th to February 16th by the Mexican Senate’s Belisario Domínguez Institute.
The New York Times Company increased its actions to 6.9%.
On March he was awarded Man of the Year 2008 by the World Boxing Council.
Grupo Carso reveals its 2009 Plan in which it is revealed an investment of 29 thousand 280 million pesos during the present year and the creation of 34,885 employments. In this same document it is also revealed that Fundaciones Carlos Slim and TELMEX will make a social investment of 7 thousand 900 million pesos.
He signed the Pacto Nacional por la Vivienda para Vivir Mejor, convoked by the Mexican Government. The main objective of this Project is to support the construction and refurbishment of 800 thousand homes during 2009.
Grupo Carso revealed in April the new look of Ostar Grupo Hotelero (before known as Calinda Hotels).
Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto, Governor of Estado de Mexico and Mr. Carlos Slim Helu inaugurated the Sports Center Ciudad Jardin TELMEX Bicentenario, an ambitious project of ecological rescue that was built on the surface of an old city dump known as Bordo de Xochiaca, in Nezahualcoyotl.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Fundacion Carlos Slim announced an initial investment of $100 million dollars to support the conservation of biodiversity and promote sustainable development in Mexico.
Mr Carlos Slim Helu received the ESADE award in recognition of his philanthropic and entrepreneurial management, during the XIV Anual Celebtration ESADE Alumni, Barcelona.
Last June 30, 2009, Mr. Carlos Slim Helu received the George Washington University President's Medal, the most distinguished academic award, in recognition of his philanthropic and entrepreneurial management.
On August 17, Carlos Slim signed like honor witness the Commitment with the Freedom of Expression, Mexico 2009, summoned by the Foundation for the Freedom of Expression, A.C. (Fundalex).
On August 19, Carlos Slim attended the ceremony in which the Federal District’s Legislative Assembly (ALDF) awarded journalist Jacobo Zabludovsky with the Citizen’s Merit Medal 2009 in recognition of his professional career and his personal contribution to life in Mexico City.
On September 7, Mr. Carlos Slim announced the establishment of Inbursa Foundation, which will jointly operate with its similar La Caixa of Barcelona. The foundation will begin to operate with an one-thousand million pesos endowment, so enhancing the social responsibility aims that Fundación Carlos Slim has embraced since more than 20 years ago.
Carlos Slim Foundation and Grameen Trust have launched the Grameen Carso microfinancing program with 45 million dollars on September 24, 2009.
The Alliance WWF-Carlos Slim Foundation and ConcentrArte project present the book “Cuatro Ciénegas: La mirada de sus niños”An invitation to preserve the richness of the valley, natural laboratory for the evolution of species.
2010 |
Mr. José Luis Luege, general director of National Water Commission (Conagua), and Mr. Carlos Slim did sign a contract for building the Atotonilco Waste Water Treatment Plant past January 7, 2010. The plant is designed to be one of the biggest hydraulic infrastructure works in México.
Carlos Slim Institute of Health start this January 19, one of the world’s largest research projects for public health in México on the genome of cancer, as well as on the genome of diabetes and some variations of renal insuffiency.
Mr. Carlos Slim Helú, Mr. Carlos Slim Domit, Telmex's executive board chairman, Mr. Héctor Slim Seade, Telmex's general director, and other top Telmex's executives presented this January 20, the Plan "TELMEX 2010 - Technology-Innovation Drive".
On March, the President of Lebanon, Mr. Michel Sleiman, did honor Mr. Carlos Slim by awarding him the Lebanese Gold Order to Merit, while the Jezzine Municipal Government did name him Honorific Citizen.
On April, about two thousand million pesos will be invested in biodiversity projects and sustainable development in six priority regions of Mexico. Investment capital will come from an agreement between Semarnat, WWF and Carlos Slim Foundation.
ITU and UNESCO announce on May 10, in Genéve, Switzerland, the creation of top-level global Broadband Commission for Digital Development and it is co-chaired by Mr. Carlos Slim.
Grupo Carso presents the Plan 2010 in where establish a investment program of 39 thousand 300 million pesos in 2010. In the present year Grupo Carso have increased 35% their investment in respect to 2009, with the objective of create jobs, forming human capital, advancing research & development, and more.
On June, President Bill Clinton, Carlos Slim and Frank Giustra, launch a 20 million Dollar Fund for Small and Medium-Size Firms (SMFs) in Haiti
On June, the Carlos Slim Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the government of Spain and the IDB, launch the Mesoamerica Health 2015 Initiative. The aim of this Initiative is to reduce the gap in health equality faced by the poorest 20% of population living in Central America and Southern Mexico.
On June 16, América Móvil did announce definitive results of Telmex International and Carso Global Telecom Bids. As a consequence of this process, América Móvil has become the owner of 93.56% and 99.4% of Telint and Telecom capital stock, respectively.
This 15 of July, the high-level advisory group of the United Nations Organization (UN), on energy and climate change, in where Mr. Carlos Slim is a member, met today in Mexico, to design new forms public-private partnership and support the overall objectives of access to energy and energy efficiency.
Mr. Carlos Slim did impart a keynote address in Business Summit Mexico 2010: “Take-off Time: Actions for Change, in Toluca, State of Mexico.
The World Boxing Council (WBC) did award Mr. Carlos Slim the WBC Humanitarian Prize of the Year in November because of his bestowals to the world boxing.
Grupo Financiero Inbursa celebrated its 45th Anniversary in the new Soumaya Museum building, located in Carso Plaza, in Mexico City.
2011 |
On January 31, Mr. Carlos Slim announced that Grupo Carso will invest 44.65 billion pesos in 2011, meaning a 13.6% increase from the year before.
Mr. Carlos Slim presided the celebrations marking the 20th Anniversary of the privatization of TELMEX, in the new building housing the Soumaya Museum.
On June 2011, Fundación TELMEX obtained the following achievements: 222 thousand 322 scholarships, 746 institutions supported with computer equipment, 266 thousand 864 bicycles were donated through the Ayúdame a Llegar program, 656 thousand 869 surgeries and 6 thousand 805 transplants, 11 million 756 thousand bags of one kilogram of nutritious sweets, 83 thousand 414 Social Bail Bonds, 28 thousand 704 tons of humanitarian aid, and 126 thousand 397 men and women teams, in the TELMEX soccer cup.
In August, increasing its share from 6.9% to 7.5% in The New York Times Company.
Increases its stake in Saks, which becomes the major shareholder of these department stores, to earn 16% of the total shares of this company.
In October, Carlos Slim Foundation published the book “Centro Histórico: 10 años de revitalización” (Historic Center: Ten Years of Revival). The Hispanic Society of America did award the Sorolla Medal to Carlos Slim Foundation due to its contribution to the arts and culture. Also in October, Carlos Slim Foundation donated Plaza Mariana to the Archdiocese of Mexico City. The architectural complex includes a crystal-made crux signaling the plaza’s four main areas: Guadalupe’s Museum, Evangelization Center, Columbarium, and Market Place for former peddlers. The work benefits about 20 millions annual pilgrims and visitors.
Mr. Carlos Slim participated in the Broad Band Leadership Summit, being organized by the International Telecommunications Union in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the current problems of the industry at a global level. In December, America Movil and Carlos Slim Foundation joined the Global RED Initiative to have the first HIV/AIDS free generation in 2015.
2012 |
In February, Mr. Carlos Slim was awarded the Great Cross of the Order of Civil Merit and Honor because of his humanitarian labor by the Mexican Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and the Red Crescent Societies. In May, Mr. Carlos Slim was awarded the George Washington University Honoris Causa Degree because of both his philanthropic activities and contribution to business growth and community development in Mexico and Latin America. Carlos Slim Foundation donated 3 million dollars for expanding Broad Band service for the benefit of U. S. Latin family homes. In July, Mr. Carlos Slim hosted the Montevideo Circle in Mexico City. The Montevideo Circle is a forum for presidents, former presidents, diplomatic, businessmen, and global leaders. After sixteen years of existence, that was the first time that the Montevideo Circle meeting was hosted by a businessman. In September of 2012, TELMEX Foundation announced the following achievements: 259,445 grants, 746 institutions being benefited by computer-equipment donation; 329,960 bicycles for the program "Ayúdame a llegar" (Help me to get at); 923,486 extra-mural surgeries; 7,363 organ and tissue transplantations; 94,284 social bailouts; 13,232,000 nutritional candy 1 kg packets; 28,758 tons of humanitarian aid, and 12,341 male and female soccer teams participating in TELMEX tournaments (Copa TELMEX).
Mr. Carlos Slim was recognized because of his Leadership in Philanthropy by former President Clinton in the Sixth Annual Ceremony of Clinton Global Citizen Awards, on September 24.
The United Nations' Global Business Coalition for Education launched the Education First Initiative on September 26. Mr. Slim stands for the only one Latin American man with a seat in the advisory room for Latin America.
Also in September, Mr. Slim was awarded the Gibran National Committee Prize because of his contribution in divulging the knowledge of Lebanese poet Gibran Khalil Gibran's poetry, philosophy and painting.
On December 12, Mr. Carlos Slim was bestowed the Dwight D. Eisenhower Global Leadership Award by the Business Council for International Understanding.
Also on December, Mr. Slim joined the Happy Hearts Fund initiative for rebuilding school buildings in Veracruz, México.
2013 |
On January 14, Salman Khan and Carlos Slim announced the Educational Alliance to offer free access to world-class education for Mexico and Latin America population.
Mr. Carlos Slim participates in the first Global Education and Technology Forum at Twitter's San Francisco offices, January 31. The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)'s new complex was inaugurated in Texcoco, Mexico, in February. Both Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Carlos Slim Foundation supported the creation of that modern center for the advancing of agriculture research and productivity. In March Mr. Carlos Slim hosted the International Telecommunication Union's 7th Broad Band for Digital Development Commission Meeting, of which Mr. Slim is co-chairman. UNAM Foundation and Carlos Slim Foundation granted 753 fellowships for UNAM Engineering School' students English courses. In April the Carlos Slim Health Awards 2013 were conferred. Carlos Slim Foundation (created in 1986) divulged its own health-care achievements. The Carlos Slim Health Institute celebrated its Sixth Anniversary. In the Global Vaccine Summit in Abu Dhabi, Carlos Slim Foundation did announce that it has committed 100 million dollars to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).
In October, the WWF-Carlos Slim Foundation-SEMARNAT partnership attains 5 years of uninterrupted support to biodiversity and sustainable development in Mexico.
Opening of the Telcel Theater.
Beginning of the second phase of the Mexico-USA alliance in genomic research, with US $ 139 million dollars accumulated grant from the Carlos Slim Foundation to date.
The Mexican Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO in Spanish), the Carlos Slim Foundation and Telcel launch in December the "Naturalista digital platform", a scientific tool to foster the knowledge of nature and its conservation by means of social media.
2014 |
On January 29, the Carlos Slim Foundation and Coursera sign an agreement to provide free on-line world-class graduate education to millions of Spanish speaking persons.
In April, Mr. Carlos Slim opens Telcel-Infinitum Digital Village, the largest digital inclusion event in the world, announcing the launch of the “Training for a Job” platform, which offers on-line courses to learn about different professions.
In August, the Carlos Slim Foundation launches the free Internet website “Latino Access”, catering for the Latino community in the United States. The website offers Spanish language education and training for employment, as well as information on health and culture.
Mr. Carlos Slim and Antony K. Shriver, founder of Best Buddies International, call upon employers to support the campaign “I’M TO HIRE”, oriented at persons with intellectual and development disabilities.
In November, the former President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, and Mr. Carlos Slim, announce their new partnership to promote the eradication of the last remains in the American continent of onchocerciasis, or river blindness. |
2015 |
In 2015, for the eighth consecutive year, the Carlos Slim Health Awards are granted to outstanding personalities for the development of innovative solutions in the health sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Carlos Slim Foundation established a partnership with Elizabeth Holmes and her company Theranos to foster the proactive prevention of diabetes and other ailments.
In July, Mr. Carlos Slim along with authorities from the Federal Government, the Government of Mexico City and distinguished personalities, inaugurated Telcel-Infinitum Digital Village, the largest digital event in the world, celebrated in 2015 for the third consecutive year in Mexico City’s central square, the Zocalo plaza.
The Carlos Slim Foundation signed an agreement with Autism Speaks to offer on-line information and tools in Spanish language for the treatment of autism. On November 30, Inbursa Financial Group turns 50. |
2016 |
In February, the Honduran Government and the Carlos Slim Foundation signed an agreement to cooperate on Job Training programs, Online Education, and Support for Honduran migrants.
In June, Mr. Carlos Slim presented the App-prende digital platform, offering free educational, cultural, and job training content through the aprende.org website for teachers, students, parents, and the wider public.
2019 |
On October 30, 2019, the Carlos III University of Madrid decorated Mr. Carlos Slim Helú with the Medal of Honor.
On November 2019, Mr. Carlos Slim Helú received the National Engineering Award 2018 from Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
On November, Mr. Carlos Slim Helú participated in the 30th Civil Engineering Congress of the Civil Engineers College of Mexico, C. A.
2020 |
The Carso Group and the Carlos Slim Foundation, in a communication issued on March 24, explained actions taken to assist the community to face the sanitary emergency caused by COVID-19.
On April 22, it was announced that Mexico City would have 37,183 additional square meters for hospital attention and patient management, sponsored by 16 foundations and companies, in the COVID-19 Temporary Unit.
On June 8, supporting the fight against COVID-19, the Carlos Slim, Telmex-Telcel and Inbursa foundations, donated MX$1,000 M, to help people and strengthen medical personnel efforts in over 30 hospitals.
On August 12, AstraZeneca announced an agreement signed with the Carlos Slim Foundation to provide the COVID-19 vaccine across Latin America.
On October 12, the Carlos Slim Foundation announced an additional donation of MX$90 M, to extend the operation of the COVID-19 Temporary Unit up to December, 2020
2021 |
On June 11, the Mexico City Major, Claudia Sheinbaum, unveiled a commemorative plaque recognizing the COVID 19 Temporary Unit at the Citibanamex Center.
On October 5, the UNAM and the Carlos Slim Foundation opened the National Biodiversity Pavilion, as a learning and preservation space, hosting collections of the UNAM’s Biology Institute.
2022 |
On April 1, Her Majesty Queen Sophia of Spain, granted the 'Sophia Award for Excellence' to the Mexican businessman and philanthropist Eng. Carlos Slim.
On June 6, the UIT recognized the Carlos Slim Foundation and América Móvil for their health care technology innovations.
On January 4, the Carlos Slim Foundation, in collaboration with the Mexico City Government, reported that the capacity of the COVID-19 Temporary Unit had been expanded.
Conference by Eng. Carlos Slim Helú in the Telmex Foundation Event: “Mexico 21st Century”.
National Auditorium, Mexico City, September 2, 2022.
2023 |
On June 30, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico, granted the Vasco de Quiroga Award to Carlos Slim, for promoting business opportunities between both countries.
Grupo Carso announced, on September 27, the acquisition of 49.9% of Talos Energy by its subsidiary Zamajal.
His Majesty King Felipe IV of Spain, presented the “Enrique V. Iglesias Award” to Carlos Slim, for his contribution to the development of Ibero-America. Madrid, Spain, October 25, 2023
Eng. Carlos Slim participated in the 28th Plenary Meeting of the Montevideo Circle Foundation, “The Ethics Rebirth,” held in Asturias, Spain, on October 26 and 27.
On October 27, the Carlos Slim and TELMEX Telcel foundations started the distribution of 26 tons of humanitarian aid, after Hurricane Otis.
Carlos Slim, together with other businessmen, held a meeting with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on November 8, where they committed to rebuild Acapulco after destruction caused by Hurricane Otis.
Carso Energy, through its subsidiary Gasoducto Centauro del Norte S. A de C. V., signed, together with the Federal Electricity Commission, an agreement dated October 20 to develop a gas pipeline that will be an expansion of the Samalayuca – Sásabe line.
2024 |
On January 12, Eng. Carlos Slim Helú delivered a Master Conference to ITAM alumni in Mexico City, framed in the Economic Perspectives Forum 2024.
On February 12, Eng. Carlos Slim Helú delivered a press conference in Mexico City, where he addressed, among other topics, the business history of Grupo Carso and Telmex privatización, later enrichening it with a thorough Q&A session.
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú took part in the Nearshoring Summit Mexico, Productivity with a Vision for the Future, organized in Mexico City, in February 19.
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú, President of Grupo Carso, delivered on July 1, the conference entitled, “Prospective in the efficient application of Mexican engineering to establish investment conditions in our country,” framed within the Engineer’s Day, convened by the Mexican Union of Engineers Associations (Unión Mexicana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros, A. C.) (UMAI).
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú received the “Juan Sánchez Navarro” Award, granted by the Business Coordinating Council, recognizing his work for the Development of Mexico, on August 9.
The Lebanese Center in Mexico honored Mr. Carlos Slim for his contribution to the development of Mexico, for his support to the Mexican community of Lebanese origin, and for his altruism, last August 22.
Mr. Carlos Slim receives the Peace Summit Award for the altruistic and peace-building initiatives he has performed through social supports and programs addressing diverse social sectors in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, last September 22.
The Carlos Slim Foundation and TELMEX informed that they have deployed their humanitarian aid plan for natural disasters, to help Acapulco inhabitants, last October 2.
Engineer Carlos Slim Helú, President-for-Life of Carso Group, received the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, lasta October 16, granted by the Engineering School of the Anahuac University of Mexico.
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú received the Italy-Mexico 2024 Prize, last October 18, from the by the Italian Chamber of Commerce