Ciudad de México, 11 de febrero de 2025.
Ciudad de México, 18 de octubre 2024.
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú received the Italy-Mexico 2024 Prize, from the by the Italian Chamber of Commerce.Mexico City, October 18, 2024
Ciudad de México, 16 de octubre de 2024.
Carlos Slim Helú, President-for-Life of Carso Group, received the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa granted by the Engineering School of the Anahuac University of Mexico.Mexico City, October 16, 2024.
Ciudad de México, 2 de octubre de 2024.
The Carlos Slim Foundation and TELMEX deliver 13 Tons of humanitarian aid in Acapulco, for the benefit of 22,000 people.Mexico City, October 2, 2024.
Monterrey, Nuevo León, 22 de septiembre 2024
Mr. Carlos Slim receives the Peace Summit Award for the altruistic and peace-building initiatives he has performed through social supports and programs addressing diverse social sectors.Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, September 22, 2024.
Ciudad de México, 22 de agosto de 2024.
The Lebanese Center in Mexico honored Mr. Carlos Slim for his contribution to the development of Mexico, for his support to the Mexican community of Lebanese origin, and for his altruism.Mexico City, August 22nd, 2024.
Ciudad de México 9 de agosto de 2024.
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú received the “Juan Sánchez Navarro Award”, granted by the Mexican Business Coordinating Council, for His Work in Favor of the Development of Mexico.Mexico City, August 9, 2024.
Ciudad de México, 1º. de julio de 2024
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú, President of Grupo Carso, delivered the conference entitled, “Prospective in the efficient application of Mexican engineering to establish investment conditions in our country,” framed within the Engineer’s Day, convened by the Mexican Union of Engineers Associations (Unión Mexicana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros, A. C.) (UMAI).Mexico City, July 1, 2024
Ciudad de México, 19 de febrero de 2024
Participation of Eng. Carlos Slim Helú in the Nearshoring Summit Mexico, Productivity with a Vision for the Future.Mexico City, February 19, 2024
Ciudad de México, 12 de febrero de 2024
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú delivered a press conference where he addressed, among other topics, the business history of Grupo Carso and Telmex privatización, later enrichening it with a thorough Q&A session.Mexico City, February 12, 2024
Ciudad de México 12 de enero de 2024
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú delivered a Master Conference to ITAM alumni in Mexico City, framed in the Economic Perspectives Forum 2024.Mexico City, January 12, 2024
Acapulco, 27 de octubre 2023.
The Carlos Slim Foundation and Telmex Telcel Foundation delivered humanitarian aid in AcapulcoOctober 27, 2023
Asturias, España, 26 de octubre 2023.
Eng. Carlos Slim participated in the event: “The Renaissance of Ethics,” in the 27th Plenary Meeting of the Montevideo CircleAsturias, Spain, October 26, 2023.
Madrid, España, 25 de octubre de 2023.
His Majesty King Felipe IV of Spain, presented the “Enrique V. Iglesias Award” to Carlos Slim, for his contribution to the development of Ibero-America.Madrid, Spain, October 25, 2023
30 de junio de 2023, Ciudad de México.
Carlos Slim received the Vasco de Quiroga Award, for promoting business opportunities in MexicoJune 30, 2023, Mexico City
Ciudad de México. 2 de septiembre de 2022.
Conference by Eng. Carlos Slim Helú in the Telmex Foundation Event: “Mexico 21st Century”.National Auditorium, Mexico City, September 2, 2022.
6 de junio de 2022, Ciudad de México.
The ITU recognized the Carlos Slim Foundation and America Móvil for their technological innovation in health careJune 6, 2022, Mexico City
1 de abril de 2022, Nueva York, NY.
Her Majesty Queen Sofía presided over the Sophia Awards for Excellence award ceremony, presented by the Queen Sofia Spanish Institute of New York to Spanish historian Carmen Iglesias, Mexican businessman and philanthropist Carlos Slim and Spanish chef José Andrés, who was unable to attend the gala in person as he was in Ukraine.April 1, 2022, Nueva York, NY.
2 de marzo de 2022, Ciudad de México
Talk between Carlos Slim and Carlos Salazar in the Seminar, "Vision of the Future: #Mexico2042”.March 2, 2022, Mexico City.
5 de octubre de 2021, Ciudad de México
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) (UNAM) and the Carlos Slim Foundation inaugurated the National Biodiversity Pavilion, a space of learning, research and preservation, hosting collections of the UNAM’s Institute of Biology.October 5, 2021, Mexico City
11 de junio de 2021, Ciudad de México.
The Temporary COVID-19 Unit (TCU) in the Citibanamex Center has treated over 9,000 patients, with work of more than 3,000 health professionals, and thanks to the support of the Carlos Slim, TELMEX Telcel and Inbursa foundations. That is why, the Mexico City Major, PhD. Claudia Sheinbaum, unveiled a plaque to honor efforts made by the professionals and the reconversion of this health care facility, which will close operations on June 15.June 11, 2021, Mexico City
4 de enero de 2021, Ciudad de México.
The Carlos Slim Foundation, in collaboration with the Mexico City Government, reports that the capacity of the Temporary COVID-19 Unit has been expanded.January 4, 2021, Mexico City
12 de octubre de 2020, Ciudad de México
The Carlos Slim Foundation will make an additional donation of 90M Pesos to extend the operation of the Temporary COVID-19 Unit up to December, aiming to continue supporting the return of the new economic and social normality.October 12, 2020, Mexico City
12 de agosto de 2020, Ciudad de México
AstraZeneca Announces Agreement with the Carlos Slim Foundation to Provide the COVID-19 Vaccine to Latin America.México City, August 12 2020
8 de junio de 2020 Ciudad de México
Joining forces in the fight against COVID-19, the Carlos Slim Foundation, the TELMEX Telcel Foundation, and the Inbursa Foundation, donated One Billion Pesos in different health initiatives to assist people, specially to strengthen actions conducted by medical staff in over Mexican 30 hospitals.Mexico City, June 8, 2020.
22 de abril de 2020 Ciudad de México
Mexico City will have 37,183 square meters of additional hospital care capacity with the handover, by 16 donor foundations and companies, of the COVID-19 Temporary Unit for patient care in the Citibanamex Center.April 22, 2020. Mexico City
24 de marzo de 2020. Ciudad de México
Grupo Carso and the Carlos Slim Foundation informed, through a press release, the actions they will undertake to support the general population in the face of the health emergency caused by COVID-19.March 24, 2020. Mexico City.
27 de noviembre de 2019. Ciudad de México
dMr. Carlos Slim Helú participated in the Forum “Infrastructure, Lever for National Development,” in the framework of the 30th Civil Engineering Congress of the Civil Engineers College of Mexico, C. A.November 27, 2019. Mexico City.
18 de noviembre de 2019. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim Helú received the National Engineering Award 2018November 18, 2019. Mexico City.
30 de octubre de 2019. Madrid, España.
On October 30, 2019, the Carlos III University of Madrid decorated Mr. Carlos Slim Helú with the Medal of Honor. Madrid. Spain.
22 de octubre de 2019. Ciudad de México.
The Asociación Rafael Banquells awards Mr. Carlos Slim for his professional and philanthropic excellence.October 22, 2019. Mexico City.
16 de octubre de 2019. Ciudad de México.
Informe de Avances al 30 de septiembre de 201927 de Agosto de 2019. Ciudad de México.
Words of Mr. Carlos Slim during the press conference of Mexico’s President, Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, entitled ‘Agreement with Gas Pipelines Construction Companies.’August 27, 2019. Mexico City.
23 de Mayo de 2019. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim delivered the keynote speech, “The Historic Center. A personal Vision”, framed by the Historic Centers Symposium of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarios) (AMPI).May 23, 2019. Mexico City.
16 y 17 de Mayo de 2019. Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim took part in the 25th Plenary Meeting of the Montevideo Circle Foundation, with the speech, “Technology and the New Civilization”. The core objective of these annual meetings is facing the new times the world is living, from the Latin American perspective.May 16 and 17, 2019. Mexico City.
21-23 de Octubre de 2018. Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Mr. Carlos Slim took part in the 16thEdition of the Mexico Business Summit, delivering a conference with the title 'Certainty or Uncertainty?'21 to 23 October, 2018. Guadalajara, Jalisco.
10 y 11 de Octubre de 2018. Bogotá, Colombia.
Mr. Carlos Slim took part in the 24thPlenary Meeting of the Montevideo Circle Foundation. The title of the 2018 edition of this encounter was “The Certainty of Uncertainty”.10 and 11 October 2018. Bogotá, Colombia.
31 de julio de 2018. Madrid, España.
FCC holds its 2018 Investor Day in the company of Carlos Slim and the Group's management team.July 31, 2018. Madrid, Spain.
6-7 de mayo de 2018. Kigali, Rwanda.
UN Broadband Commission advances action towards broadband digital connectivity for all. The Commission is chaired by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Mexico's Carlos Slim Helú.May 6-7, 2018. Kigali, Rwanda.
26 de Febrero de 2018. Madrid, España.
Mr. Carlos Slim was recognized at the 4th Edition of the Ibero-American Patron of the Arts Awards, organized by the Callia Foundation, for his social commitment to the arts.26 February 2018. Madrid, Spain.
22-24 de Octubre de 2017. San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.
Mr. Carlos Slim Helú took part in the 15th Edition of the Mexico Business Summit, which in 2017 addressed the topic: Defining Mexico's options.October 22-24, San Luis Potosí, SLP
10 de octubre de 2017. Ciudad de México
The Carlos Slim Foundation is donating more than 1,978 million pesos for reconstruction after the earthquakes that hit Mexico last September, which added to the 395 million pesos donated by the public, provide a total exceeding 2,373 million pesos.10 October 2017. Mexico City
27 de septiembre de 2017. Ciudad de México.
Governments, foundations, and society must work together, declared Carlos Slim Helú in an interview after the earthquakes of 7 and 19 September, which caused severe damage in several states around the country.27 September, 2017. Mexico City.
8 de septiembre de 2017. Roma, Italia.
Carlos Slim Helú receives Humanitarian Award from Andrea Bocelli Foundation.September 8, 2017. Rome, Italy.
27 de enero de 2017. Conferencia de Prensa. Ciudad de México.
"We are stronger together": Carlos Slim Helú.January 27, 2017. Press Conference. Mexico City
19 de septiembre de 2016. Nueva York, E.U.A.
The Appeal of Conscience Foundation granted Mr. Carlos Slim the Appeal of Conscience Award.19 September 2016. New York, USA.
5 de Septiembre de 2016. Ciudad de México
Public Education Secretariat and Carlos Slim Foundation Present Train for Work Diplomas to Graduates in Information Technology.5 September, 2016. Mexico City
16 de agosto de 2016. Ciudad de México
"Faro del Saber Morelos" TELMEX Digital Library was inaugurated in Reforma Pensil, in Mexico City's Miguel Hidalgo Delegation.16 August, 2016. Mexico City
15 de julio de 2016. Ciudad de México.
Telcel Infinitum Digital Village Inaugurated in Mexico City's Zocalo Square.15 July, 2016. Mexico City.
30 de junio de 2016. Ciudad de México.
Presentation of 2016 Carlos Slim Health Awards.30 June, 2016. Mexico City.
15 de junio de 2016. Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim presented the App-prende digital platform, which offers educational, cultural, and job training content free of charge to teachers, students, parents, and the general public through the website.15 June, 2016. Mexico City.
27 y 28 de Abril de 2016. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim Helu was the keynote speaker in the first Women’s Forum Mexico 2016April 27-28, 2016. Ciudad de México.
26 de febrero de 2016. Ciudad de México.
Winners of the Carlos Slim Health Award 2016.Mexico City, February 26, 2016
25 de Febrero de 2016. Ciudad de México.
The Carlos Slim Foundation and the Government of Honduras sign a cooperation agreement.February 25, 2016. Mexico City.
27 de enero de 2016. Guachochi, Chihuahua.
The Carlos Slim Foundation and SEDESOL sign a partnership agreement.Guachochi, Chihuahua, Mexico, January 27th, 2016.
30 de Noviembre de 2015. Ciudad de México.
INBURSA Financial Group celebrates its 50th anniversary.November 30, 2015. Mexico City.
9 – 12 de Noviembre de 2015.
During a trip to El Salvador and Peru, Mr. Carlos Slim, former US President Bill Clinton and philanthropist Frank Giustra visited local communities where the Carlos Slim Foundation, the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton-Giustra-Slim Enterprise Partnership develop important health and employment initiatives, benefitting vulnerable populations.9-12 November 2015.
16 y 17 de octubre de 2015. Alicante, España.
The Montevideo Circle Foundation held its 21st Plenary Meeting in Alicante, Spain, with the topic “Governance Crisis of the Representative Democracy. In this event, Mr. Carlos Slim, Business Chairman of the Foundation, participated with the conference entitled, “The Value of Democratic Efficiency in Development.”October 16 and 17, 2015. Alicante, Spain.
2 de octubre de 2015. Ciudad de México.
Dr. Mercedes Juan, Mexico’s Secretary of Health, presented an award to the Carlos Slim Foundation recognizing its commitment and achievements in organ and tissue donation and transplants.Mexico City, October 2, 2015.
4 de septiembre de 2015. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim Helu participated as a speaker at the 2015 edition of “Mexico 21st Century”, an event organized by TELMEX Foundation, that once again gathered over 10 thousand scholars from public and private universities from across Mexico in the National Auditorium.September 4, 2015. Mexico City.
4 de agosto 2015. Ciudad de México.
For third consecutive year, the Corporate Business Reputation Monitor (Merco), recognizes Mr. Carlos Slim as Mexico’s business leader with the best reputation in 2015.August 4, 2015. Mexico City.
27 de julio de 2015. Nueva York, NY - Ciudad de México
The Carlos Slim Foundation signed an agreement with Autism Speaks to provide online information and tools in Spanish to treat autism.New York, NY and Mexico City, 27 July 2015.
26 de Junio de 2015. Londres, Inglaterra.
Mr. Carlos Slim participated in the international Conference on Inclusive Capitalism 2015, organized by the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, a non-for profit organization based in the United KingdomJune 26, 2105. London, United Kingdom.
10 de julio de 2015. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim opened the 2015 edition of Telcel - Infinitum Digital Village, the largest digital inclusion event in the world, held for third consecutive year in Mexico City's Zocalo Plaza. He was accompanied by representatives from the federal and city governments, as well as by other distinguished personalities.Mexico City, July 10, 2015.
22 de junio de 2015. México, D.F.
Carlos Slim Foundation announces its partnership with Elizabeth Holmes and her Theranos Company to promote the proactive prevention of diabetes and related ailmentsJune 22, 2015. Mexico City
20 de junio de 2015. Ciudad de México
Outstanding professionals receive the 2015 Carlos Slim Health Awards in recognition to their innovative solutions in health matters in Latin America and the Caribbean.June 20, 2015. Mexico City.
22 de abril de 2015.
Mr. Carlos Slim participated in the Global Markets Discovery Series Forum México, organized by the Business Journal in Phoenix, Arizona.April 22, 2015.
10 de Marzo de 2015. Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Carlos Slim Foundation receives the International Recognition Award 2015 for its contributions to improve global healthMarch 10, 2015. Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
27 de febrero de 2015. París, Francia.
Mr. Carlos Slim receives the UNESCO Medal recognizing his contribution to make sure that Information and Communication Technologies benefit the population.February 27, 2015. Paris, France.
22 de enero de 2015.
Forbes Magazine ranks Carlos Slim Foundation as Mexico's most charitable business foundation.January 22, 2015.
13 de noviembre de 2014. Ciudad de México
Jimmy Carter and Carlos Slim Announce New Partnership to Help Eliminate Last Vestiges of River Blindness in the Americas.November 13, 2014. Mexico City
26-28 de Octubre de 2014, México Cumbre de Negocios. Querétaro, Qro.
Key note address by Mr. Carlos Slim Helu, during the 12th edition of the Mexico Business Summit, October 26, 2014.26-28 October 2014, Mexico Business Summit, Queretaro, Mexico.
7 de Octubre de 2014. Nueva York, E.U.A.
Mr. Carlos Slim was bestowed the Friars Club's Icon Award by the Friars Club of New York, the acknowledgment was given in the Friars Foundation Gala and it was conferred to Mr. Slim due to his philantropic and humanitarian endeavors.October 7, 2014. New York City.
7 de octubre de 2014. Nueva York, E.U.A
Carlos Slim and Best Buddies International Founder Anthony K. Shriver Call on Employers to Pledge "I'M IN TO HIRE" Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD).October 7, 2014. New York City
12 de agosto de 2014.
Carlos Slim Foundation Launches Free Online Site for U.S. Latino Community.August 12, 2014.
9 de agosto de 2014. Marbella, España.
Mr. Carlos Slim received the Starlite Humanitarian Award 2014, in recognition of his philanthropic work, during the 5th edition of the Starlite Gala organized to support foundations and social organizations.August 9, 2014. Marbella, Spain.
17 y 18 de julio de 2014. Asunción, Paraguay.
Mr. Carlos Slim's speech, entitled "Growing together. State and Corporations", was delivered during the 20th Plenary Session of the Montevideo Circle Foundation, where Mr. Slim is Corporate Chairman.July 17-18, 2014. Asuncion, Paraguay.
9 de julio de 2014. Nuevo Veracruz. México
Mr. Carlos Slim, accompanied by Dr. Javier Duarte Ochoa, Governor of Veracruz and by Mrs. Petra Nemcova, President and Founder of the Happy Hearts Fund, inaugurated the "Juan Maldonado Pereda" elementary school, donated by Grupo Carso and equipped by Happy Hearts.July 9, 2014. Nuevo Veracruz, Mexico.
30 de mayo de 2014. Plaza Carso, Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim inaugurated the Inbursa's Aquarium, the largest in Latin America. In the ribbon-cutting ceremony, he was accompanied by the Mayor of Mexico City, Dr. Miguel Ángel Mancera and by Inbursa's Aquarium President, Mr. Alejandro Nasta.Plaza Carso, Mexico City, May 30, 2014.
29 de Mayo de 2014. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim Helú is recognized as Mexico's businessman with the best reputation. The distinction is awarded by the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (Merco) 2014.Mexico City, May 29, 2014.
16 de mayo de 2014. Ginebra, Suiza.
The International Telecommunications Union granted Mr. Carlos Slim the World Telecommunication and Information Society Award 2014, in recognition to his leadership and dedication in fostering ICT and broadband connectivity for sustainable development.May 16, 2014. Geneva, Switzerland.
11 de Abril de 2014. Zócalo de la Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim inaugurated the Telcel – Infinitum Digital Village, the largest digital inclusion event in the world, and he announced the creation of the "Train for Work" platform, which offers online courses to learn 20 different trades and professions.11 April 2014. Mexico City's Zocalo Square
26 y 27 de marzo de 2014. Ciudad de México
The Carlos Slim Foundation grants the "2014 Carlos Slim Health Awards" to individuals and institutions with outstanding research credentials in the health sector.Mexico City, March 26-27, 2014.
29 de enero de 2014. Ciudad de México.
Carlos Slim Foundation and Coursera seal an alliance to provide free on-line world-class graduate studies in Spanish to millions of individuals.January 29, 2014. México City.
18 de diciembre de 2013. Plaza Nuevo Veracruz, Veracruz.
Mr. Carlos Slim opened the TELMEX Veracruz Digital Library, located in Plaza Nuevo Veracruz, a real estate development built by Grupo CARSO, which was also inaugurated on the same occasion. Mr. Slim was accompanied by Dr. Javier Duarte de Ochoa, governor of Veracruz; Mr. Carlos Slim Domit, president of Grupo CARSO, and Mr. Héctor Slim Seade, director general of TELMEX.18 December 2013. Plaza Nuevo Veracruz, Veracruz.
4 de diciembre de 2013. Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim, Co-chairman of the ITU's Broadband Commission participated in the 11th World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WITS) organized by ITU. He stated that "in order to achieve universal access to information technologies, the private sector must invest, innovate and guarantee coverage; the regulating authority should, on its side, demand investment and coverage commitments from operators".December 4, 2013. Mexico City.
2 de diciembre de 2013. Museo Soumaya, Ciudad de México.
Mexico's National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO), the Carlos Slim Foundation and TELCEL launched the "NaturaLista" digital platform, innovative scientific tool that fosters knowledge about nature and its preservation by means of social media.December 2, 2013. Soumaya Museum, Mexico City
27 de noviembre de 2013. Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim met with Mr. Shimon Peres, President of Israel. Before the meeting, and framed in the visit of Mr. Peres to México, Mr. Slim held a press conference with Israeli executives.November 27, 2013. Mexico City.
28 de octubre de 2013. Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Carlos Slim Foundation launches the second phase of the US-Mexico partnership in genomic research. Through a grant amounting US$ 139 million dollars the Slim Initiative on Genomic Medicine will Foster research aimed at improving health conditions in Latin America and the world.Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, October 28, 2013.
11 de octubre de 2013. Ciudad de México.
Carlos Slim Helú attended the opening ceremony of the Telcel Theater, Latin America's best.October 11th, 2013 in Mexico City.
2 de octubre de 2013. Ciudad de México.
Fifth anniversary of the WWF - Carlos Slim Foundation – SEMARNAT partnership supporting biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in Mexico.October 2, 2013. Mexico City
Ciudad de México. 12 de septiembre de 2013.
Presentation of Mr. Carlos Slim Helú in the event of the Telmex Foundation “Mexico, 21st Century”. National Auditorium, Mexico City.September 12, 2013.
13 de junio de 2013. Ecatepec, estado de México.
The Opening of the first 10 kilometers of the Orient Emitter Tunnel to improve the management of rain and residual waters of the Valley of Mexico.July 13, 2013. Ecatepec, Estado de México.
8 de junio de 2013. Acapulco, Gro.
Mr. Carlos Slim and Mr. Ángel Aguirre Rivero, Governor of the state of Guerrero, did attend the initial building work of the Acapulco's Macro-Tunnel, to be the biggest in México.June 8, 2013. Acapulco, Gro.
28 de mayo de 2013. Palacio de Minería, Ciudad de México.
"Digital education and jobs creation are essential factors that demand our efforts as both society and country", Mr. Carlos Slim said in a ceremony of his 50th anniversary as an engineering graduate by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), organized by engineers and architects associations.May 28, 2013. Palacio de Minería, Ciudad de México.
9 de mayo de 2013.
Carlos Slim interview with Larry King. Ora. TvMay 9, 2013.
29 de abril de 2013. Los Ángeles, California.
A Conversation with Larry King and Carlos Slim, in the Global Conference 2013 of the Milken Institute.April 29, 2013. Los Angeles, CA.
24-25 de abril de 2013. Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
Carlos Slim Foundation will donate $100 million to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative´s (GPEI), which with the Strategic Plan 2013-2018 has the objective to end this disease in the world.April 24 and 25, 2013. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
11 de abril de 2013. Museo Soumaya, Ciudad de México.
The secretary of health care, Dr. Mercedes Juan, and Mr. Carlos Slim, did bestow the 2013 Carlos Slim Health Care Awards. Likewise, Carlos Slim Foundation, which got underway in 1986, did state its own accomplishments, and the Carlos Slim Health Institute did celebrate its Sixth Anniversary.April 11, 2013. Soumaya Museum, Mexico City.
8 de abril de 2013. Ciudad Universitaria, México.
The UNAM Foundation and the Carlos Slim Foundation granted 753 scholarships to learn English to studies of the School of Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM, as per initials in Spanish).April 8, 2013. Ciudad Universitaria (University City), México.
16-17 de marzo de 2013. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim hosted the International Telecommunications Union's (ITU) 7th Broadband Commission for Digital Development Meeting. Mr. Slim is the commission's co-chairman.Mexico City, 17 March, 2013.
Marzo 2013. Panamá, Panamá.
Interview with Mr. Bill Gates and Mr. Carlos Slim Helú about the Mesoamerica Health Initiative 2015, framed in the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)March 2013. Panama City, Panama.
13 de febrero de 2013. Texcoco, México.
Bill Gates y Carlos Slim support food-production research.February 13, 2013. Texcoco, México.
31 de enero de 2013. San Francisco, California.
Mr. Carlos Slim participated in the first Global Education and Technology Forum at Twitter's San Francisco offices.January 31, 2013. San Francisco, CA
14 de enero de 2013. Ciudad de México
Alliance Between Fundación Carlos Slim and Khan Academy.January 14, 2013. Mexico, City.
12 de diciembre de 2012, Ciudad de Nueva York.
The Business Council for International Understanding To Honor Carlos Slim Helú With 2012 Dwight D. Eisenhower Global Leadership Award.December 12, 2012. New York City.
12 de diciembre de 2012. Nueva York, U.S.A.
Petra Nemcova's Happy Hearts Fund Land of Dreams Gala: Mexico with Special Guest Carlos Slim & Honoring Howard Buffett.December 12, 2012. New York, NY.
Octubre 2012. Ciudad de México.
Interview to Mr. Carlos Slim Helú performed by Bettina Bulgheroni for the argentine show "Puentes de Esperanza".October 2012. México City.
Octubre 2012. Washington, DC, U.S.A.
Mr. Carlos Slim will fund Scholarships for Graduate Students at the George Washington University.October 2012. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
18 de octubre de 2012.
Interview to Mr. Carlos Slim Helú performed by Salvador Camarena, published in El País news from Spain.October 18, 2012.
4 de octubre de 2012
Interview with Mr. Carlos Slim performed by Caroline Preston from The Chronicle of Philanthropy newspaper.October 4, 2012.
Octubre 2012.
Interview to Mr. Carlos Slim Helú for Leaders magazine.Octubre 2012.
27 de septiembre de 2012. Beirut, Líbano.
Mr. Carlos Slim received the Gibran National Committee Award for his contribution to spreading the knowledge of the poet, philosopher and painter Gibran Khalil Gibran.Beirut, Lebanon, September 27, 2012.
26 de septiembre de 2012.
Mr. Roberto Slim participated in the name of Mr. Carlos Slim in the official launching of EDUCATION FIRST initiative in the United Nations' General Assembly in New York.September 26, 2012.
24 de septiembre de 2012. Nueva York, U.S.A.
Carlos Slim was awarded for his Leadership in Philanthropy by President Bill Clinton, at the Sixth Annual Clinton Global Citizen Awards.September 24, 2012. Nueva York, NY
23 de septiembre de 2012. Nueva York, EUA.
Mr. Carlos Slim participated in the International Telecommunications Union's (ITU) 6th Broadband Commission for Digital Development Meeting. Mr. Slim is the commission's co-chairman.September 23, 2012. New York City.
26 y 27 de Julio de 2012. Ciudad de México.
The Montevideo Circle will hold its 18th Plenary Session on the 26 and 27th July in Mexico City.July 26 and 27, 2012. Mexico City.
11 de junio de 2012. Ginebra, Suiza.
Mr. Carlos Slim participated in Geneva Conferences, organized by the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).June 11, 2012. Geneva, Switzerland.
6 de junio de 2012. Ciudad de México.
Mexico City Major Mr. Marcelo Ebrard and Mr. Carlos Slim, inaugurated both a underway via in Ejército Nacional/Moliere streets, and Parque Lineal Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca, first step.June 6, 2012, Mexico City
31 de mayo de 2012. San Diego, California.
Carlos Slim Foundation Announces $3 Million Donation to Broadband Efforts to Connect Latino Households.May 31, 2012. San Diego, California.
20 de mayo 2012. Washington, DC, U.S.A.
Mr. Carlos Slim was named Honorific Grade Doctor by George Washington University because of his philanthropic work and his contribution to business and community development in Mexico and Latin America.May 20, 2012. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Abril 1-2, 2012. Ohrid, Macedonia.
The Broadband Commission for Digital Development met in Ohrid, Macedonia. The meeting was conducted by Mr. Carlos Slim and President of Rwanda, Mr. Paul Kagame.April 1-2, 2012. Ohrid, Macedonia.
29 de marzo de 2012. Ciudad de México
By inaugurating the exhibition 100 Newly-acquired Artworks by Soumaya Museum Collection, the new Soumaya Museum site in Plaza Carso celebrates its First Anniversary.March 29, 2012. Mexico City.
18 de marzo de 2012. Acapulco, Guerrero.
Mr. Carlos Slim and Mr. Angel Aguirre Rivero, governor of Guerrero, set up the first round of Vuelta México TELMEX 2012, the most important cycling tournament in México. Internationally-rated cyclists participate.March 18, 2012. Acapulco, Guerrero.
21 de febrero de 2012. Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim Helú was awarded Red Cross Badge of Honor and Merit due to his long-standing humanitarian trajectory. The medal was imposed to him by Mr. Daniel Goñi Díaz, president of Mexico's Red Cross, and Taderatu Konoe, president of Red Cross International Federation and Red Crescent Societies.February 21, 2012. Mexico City.
21 de febrero de 2012. Atotonilco de Tula, Hidalgo.
President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa and Mr. Carlos Slim Helú made a joint oversight tour to Atotonilco's waste-water treatment plant in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. This public-private financed plant is a huge infrastructure work to solve water problems of Mexico City's metropolitan area and to benefit Hidalgo's farmers and inhabitants as well.February 21, 2012. Atotonilco de Tula, Hidalgo.
1º. de diciembre de 2011. México, Distrito Federal.
América Móvil and Carlos Slim Foundation join World's Forum Initiative (RED) to achieve a HIV/AIDS-Free generation by 2015.December 1st, 2011, Mexico City.
16 de noviembre de 2011. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim delivered a keynote address to the 26th Civil Engineering National Congress.Mexico City, November 16, 2011
26 de octubre de 2011. Ginebra, Suiza.
Interview with Carlos Slim performed by Chiara Reid from Euronews.netOctober 26, 2011, Geneve, Switzerland.
25 de octubre de 2011. Ginebra, Suiza.
Interview with Mr. Carlos Slim performed by Martyn Warwick from ITU TelecomTV, in the Broad-Band Leadership Summit, organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).October 25, 2011. Geneva, Switzerland.
24 de octubre de 2011. Ginebra, Suiza.
Mr. Carlos Slim participated in ITU's Broad-Band Leadership Summit on industry's current global problems.October 24, 2011, Geneve, Switzerland
12 de octubre de 2011. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim donated Plaza Mariana to the Archidiocese of Mexico City. The work triggers urban and pastoral infrastructure around Basilica de Guadalupe.October 12, 2011, Mexico City
6 de octubre de 2011. Nueva York, EUA.
The Hispanic Society of America awarded Carlos Slim Foundation the "Sorolla Medal" by its arts and culture supportOctober 6th, 2011, New York, NY.
6 de octubre de 2011. Ciudad de México
Carlos Slim Foundation publishes the book Centro Histórico. 10 años de revitalización (Historic Center. Ten Years of Revival)Mexico City, October 6th, 2011
29 de septiembre de 2011. Ciudad de México
Claustro de Sor Juana University awarded Mr. Carlos Slim the "Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz" Medal due to his effort to revive Mexico City's Historic CenterSeptember 29, 2011, Mexico City
16 de agosto de 2011. Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim did participate in UNESCO's presentation of the Comprehensive Management Plan of Mexico City's Historic Center 2011-2016.Mexico City, August 16, 2011
7 de agosto de 2011. Boston, EUA.
21 de julio de 2011. Ciudad de México.
Carlos Slim congratulated the winners selected from the football tournament De la Calle a la Cancha con TELMEX.July, 21, 2011, Mexico City
19 de julio de 2011. Miami, Florida.
Carlos Slim donates $2 million dollars to Best Buddies International.July, 19, 2011, Miami, Florida.
29 de mayo de 2011. Ciudad de México
Cristina Fernández, President of Argentina, attended Soumaya Museum in Plaza Carso for the second time todayMay, 29, 2011, Mexico City.
25 de Mayo de 2011. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim, special guest in the Annual Ceremony of the National Awards granted by the Association of Engineers and Architects of Mexico (Asociación de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de México, A.C.) (AIAM).May 25, 2011. Mexico City.
29 de marzo de 2011. Ciudad de México
The Soumaya Museum opened its doors to the general public in its new building located at Carso Plaza.March 29, 2011. Mexico City.
1 de marzo de 2011. Ciudad de México
Located at Carso Plaza, the new building housing the Soumaya Museum was inaugurated. The modern facilities will be home to the largest art collection in Mexico and Latin America.March 1st, 2011. Mexico City.
28 de febrero de 2011. Ciudad de México.
TELMEX celebrated the 20th anniversary of its privatization in the new building housing the Soumaya Museum.February 28, 2011. Mexico City.
12 de febrero de 2011. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim imparted the keynote address Challenges and Leadership in the First International Congress of Miraflores College former studentsFebruary 12, 2011, Mexico City
31 de enero de 2011. Ciudad de México
In a press conference, Mr. Carlos Slim announced that Grupo Carso will invest 44.65 billion pesos in 2011.January 31, 2011.
9 de diciembre de 2010. Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim inaugurated the first phase of the construction of the Plaza Mariana, an architectural project aimed at enlarging the atrium of the Basilica of Guadalupe, while at the same time modernizing the surrounding urban infrastructure.December 9, 2010. Mexico City
3 de diciembre de 2010.
Larry King interview with Carlos Slim in CNN's Larry King Live.December 3, 2010
1 de diciembre de 2010. Ciudad de México.
Grupo Financiero Inbursa celebrated its 45th Anniversary in the new Soumaya Museum building, located in Carso Plaza, in Mexico City.December 1st, 2010.
21 de Noviembre de 2010. Ciudad de México.
Carlos Slim participated as a special guest in the World Mayors Summit on Climate at the Palace of the School of Medicine in Mexico City. At the Summit, mayors from around the world signed the Global Cities Covenant on Climate or "Mexico City Pact".November 21st 2010
2 de noviembre de 2010. Cancún, Quintana, Roo.
The World Boxing Council did award Mr. Carlos Slim the WBC Humanitarian Prize of the Year by his support to the boxing world.November 2, 2010. Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico
24 de Octubre de 2010. Toluca, Estado de México.
October 24, 2010. Toluca, State of Mexico.
19 de octubre de 2010. Tijuana, Baja California.
With a lecture about "Philanthropy in Mexico" Mr. Carlos Slim Helú participated in the 1st Conference Innovating Tijuana 2010.October 19, 2010, Tijuana, BC.
5 de agosto de 2010. Puerto Rico.
August 5, 2010. Puerto Rico.
15 de julio de 2010. Ciudad de México
Mexico City, July 15th 2010.
23 de junio de 2010. Nueva York, EUA.
Maria Bartiromo, from CNBC interview with Eng. Carlos Slim, as part of the New York Forum, designed to be a call for action by the business community to reinvigorate the economy and to find new confidence and credibility.June 23, 2010. New York City.
21 de junio de 2010. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Carlos Slim met distinguished UNAM students, teachers and researchers to talk about diverse Mexico's problems, Mexico's insertion in the current world, its institutions, UNAM and the world as well.México City, June 21, 2010.
17 de junio de 2010. Puerto Príncipe, Haití.
Port-au-Prince, Haití. June 17, 2010.
14 de junio de 2010, Ciudad de México.
- Nota del periódico La Prensa. 15 de junio de 2010.June 14, 2010, Mexico, City.
10 de mayo de 2010. Ginebra, Suiza.
10 May, 2010, Genève, Switzerland.
15 de abril de 2010. Ciudad de México.
About two thousand million pesos will be invested in environment projects in priority areas of México. Investment capital will come from an agreement between Semarnat, WWF and Carlos Slim Foundation in support of environment protection actions.México, D. F., April 15, 2010
12 de marzo 2010. Beirut, Líbano.
The President of Lebanon, Mr. Michel Sleiman, did honor Mr. Carlos Slim by awarding him the Lebanese Gold Order to Merit, while the Jezzine Municipal Government did name him Honorific Citizen.Beirut, Lebanon, March 12, 2010.
20 de enero de 2010. Ciudad de México
Mr. Carlos Slim Helú, Mr. Carlos Slim Domit, Telmex's executive board chairman, Mr. Héctor Slim Seade, Telmsal director, and other top Telmex's executives presented Plan "TELMEX 2010 - Technology-Innovation Drive".México, D. F., January 20, 2010.
19 de enero de 2010. Ciudad de México.
Carlos Slim Institute of Health will support one of the world's largest research projects for public health in Mexico on the genome of cancer, as well as on the genome of diabetes and some variations of renal insufficiency.January 19 of 2010, Mexico City.
7 de Enero de 2010. Ciudad de México.
Mr. José Luis Luege, general director of National Water Commission (Conagua), and Mr. Carlos Slim did sign a contract for building the Atotonilco Waste Water Treatment Plant past January 7, 2010. The plant is designed to be one of the biggest hydraulic infrastructure works in México.January 7, 2010, México City.
9 de diciembre de 2009. Ciudad de México.
The Alliance WWF-Carlos Slim Foundation and ConcentrArte project presented the book "Cuatro Ciénegas: La mirada de sus niños". An invitation to preserve the richness of the valley, natural laboratory for the evolution of species.December 9, 2009. Mexico City.
16 de Noviembre de 2009.
Interview with Carlos Slim performed by Maria Bartiromo for the CNBC Network. First On CNBCNovember 16, 2009.
24 de septiembre de 2009.
Carlos Slim Foundation and Grameen Trust have launched the Grameen Carso microfinancing program with 45 million dollars.September 24, 2009.
7 de Septiembre de 2009. Ciudad de México
On September 7, Mr. Carlos Slim announced the establishment of Fundación Inbursa, which will jointly operate with its similar La Caixa of Barcelona. The foundation will begin to operate with an one-thousand million pesos endowment, so enhancing the social responsibility aims that Fundación Carlos Slim has embraced since more than 20 years ago.September 7, 2009. Mexico City.
19 de Agosto de 2009. Ciudad de México.
Carlos Slim attended the ceremony in which the Federal District's Legislative Assembly (ALDF) awarded journalist Jacobo Zabludovsky with the Citizen's Merit Medal 2009 in recognition of his professional career and his personal contribution to life in Mexico City.August 19, 2009. Mexico City.
17 de Agosto de 2009. Ciudad de México.
Carlos Slim signed as witness of honor the Commitment to Liberty of Expression, Mexico 2009, convened by the Foundation for the Liberty of Expression AC, (FUNDALEX). The ceremony was held in the presence of the press, experts and researchers from different disciplines.August 17, 2009. Mexico City.
17 de julio de 2009, Washington, D.C., EE.UU.
Interview with Carlos Slim: "The State must intervene" by Dolia Estévez, published in www.poder360.comJuly 17, Washington, D.C., EE.UU.
30 de junio de 2009. Washington, D.C., EE.UU.
Mr. Carlos Slim Helú received the George Washington University President's Medal, the most distinguished academic award, in recognition of his philanthropic and entrepreneurial management.June 30, 2009, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
8 de Junio de 2009. Barcelona, España
Mr. Carlos Slim Helú received the ESADE award in recognition of his philanthropic and entrepreneurial management, during the XIV Annual Celebration ESADE Alumni, Barcelona.June 8, 2009. Barcelona, España
4 de Junio de 2009. Cozumel, Quintana Roo.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Fundacion Carlos Slim announced an initial investment of $100 million dollars to support the conservation of biodiversity and promote sustainable development in Mexico.June 4, 2009. Cozumel, Quintana Roo.
21 de mayo de 2009. Ciudad de México.
Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto, Governor of Estado de Mexico and Mr. Carlos Slim Helú inaugurated the Sports Center Ciudad Jardín TELMEX Bicentenario, an ambitious project of ecological rescue that was built on the surface of an old city dump known as Bordo de Xochiaca, in Nezahualcoyotl.May 21st, 2009. Mexico City.
3 de marzo de 2009, Ciudad de México.
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú conferred Man of the Year 2008 by the World Boxing Council (WBC).March 3, 2009. Mexico City.
17 de febrero de 2009, Ciudad de México.
Society and Technology Seminar Organized by the UNAM, Conference by Mr. Carlos Slim Helú.Mexico City February 17th, 2009
Ciudad de México, 9 de febrero de 2009
Forum: "Mexico in front of the crisis". Third session. What to do in order to grow? Conference by Mr. Carlos Slim.México City, February 9th, 2009
16 de Diciembre de 2008
Eng. Carlos Slim Helú was nominated member of the Executive Board of RAND Corporation (Research and Development), a nonprofit research organization in the United States, which offers assessment and solutions about commerce and politics, among other aspects, throughout the world.December 16th, 2008.
30 de Noviembre de 2008. Ciudad de México
Eng. Carlos Slim, along with Alex Rodriguez, baseball player of the New York Yankees, visited the new "Sports Center Ciudad Jardin TELMEX Bicentenario", the biggest sports center in Mexico located in the old waste dump of the Bordo de Xochiaca, in Nezahualcóyotl.November 30, 2008.
20 de noviembre de 2008. Ciudad de México.
Eng. Carlos Slim participated in the opening ceremony of the event Fideicomiso para el Impulso de la Ingeniería organized by the Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles de México (Civil Engineers College) in which the new web site iNGENET was introduced, created and sponsored by TELMEX.Mexico City, November 20th, 2008.
6 de noviembre de 2008.
The Embassy of Lebanon in Mexico awarded the National Order of the Cedar in Grade of Grand Officer to Carlos Slim Helú for his philanthropic labor.November 6, 2008.
30 de Octubre de 2008
Interview with Carlos Slim for CNBC, performed by Michelle Caruso.October 30, 2008
7 de octubre de 2008.
TELMEX, Claro and Museo Soumaya, from Fundación Carlos Slim, presents in Lima, Peru, the exhibit "Del mito al Sueño. Rodin". Dali.October 7 , 2008.
Carlos Slim Helú interview by Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO Google.
29 de septiembre de 2008. Ciudad de México.
Grameen Trust and Fundacion Carlos Slim announced an alliance to create Grameen-Carso which will start operating with resources of 45 million dollars for giving microcredits to the neediest in different states with higher rate of poverty in Mexico.Mexico City, September 29, 2008.
4 de agosto de 2008, Ciudad de México.
President Clinton, Carlos Slim Announce $50 Million in New Projects in Mexico, Colombia, and PeruAugust 4, 2008, Mexico City.
23 de julio de 2008
Engineer Carlos Slim announced the donation of 100,000 computers to more than 1,400 public schools in Mexico, during an event in Casa TELMEX Centro Histórico.July 23rd, 2008
23 de junio de 2008
Vivian Fernández de Torrijos, First Lady of Panama, and Carlos Slim Helú, supported by the Carlos Slim Institute of Health, signed agreement to increase health programs.June 23, 2008
8 de junio de 2008
"All crises are opportunities". Interview with Carlos Slim Helú published on El País Dialy by Miguel Jiménez y Amanda Mars.June 8, 2008
15 de mayo de 2008
Carlos Slim donate to Fundación ALAS, 110 million dollars to support childhood.May 15, 2008
7 de septiembre de 2005. Ciudad de México.
Participation of Mr. Carlos Slim Helú and Mr. Felipe González, Former President of Spain, in the Telmex Foundation Interns Event: “Mexico, 21st Century.”September 7, 2005, Mexico City.